Monday, August 1, 2011

Motivation. Or lack of it.

Motivation. Sometimes I have a great struggle finding it.
For a long time I thought that motivation is a bit like a trait, you're born with it or developed it at a young age.
Everyone knows a person who seems to push through everything to fully achieve their goal.
It is amazing to see them in action. But nobody can do this all the time though and despite how natural it looks, when it comes down to it: you can decide. You can decide to take the opportunities you get and use them to your full advantage. You have the choice to sit back and relax or finish the job you're working on.

Try as I do sometimes I just cannot push myself to work to achieve a goal.
You could make me to read a hundred inspiration quotes but still there is this almost unmovable barricade blocking my path. When I should be leaping up and over, I find myself sitting slightly to one side barely attempting to recognise its existence. And I'm not the only one.
Various people I've known seem to sit in the same position, on the same path and feel unable to progress at all. We seem to be stuck in this inevitable loop of realising that there is a problem, half-heartily attempting to fix it and failing dismally. It really is quite depressing cycle and many go through it.
Even that talented achieving acquaintance.

It can be unbelievably hard to break this continuous pattern without some kind of aid.
Sometimes it helps just to talk to someone, even just for a short while because it is always useful to see a problem from a different perspective, perhaps you'd never seen it in that light.
You might even be surprised with the number of those who can relate, who've been there at some point and worked through it.

For me, motivation really comes in quite random bursts. A rush of inspiration might come at an inconvenient time, when I have no pen or paper to take it down or maybe in the night when I wake with an idea but know that I probably should try and return to sleep. So it drifts out of my mind and never gets developed. What motivates you? Can you easily find inspiration?

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