Friday, July 8, 2011

What makes a problem real?

A few weeks ago while reading through comments on an article discussing advertising and body image, I came across a response which at first response irritated me while later prompted much thought.
It shared someones views about body image - that it wasn't a real problem, whereas genuine problems where only things like mass poverty, starvation and serious diseases.

I agree with the fact that the latter are genuine problems but I don't agree with the invalidation of body image as an issue. What makes one more important than another?
Those who live in poverty didn't bring it on themselves but then neither did anyone who suffers with an eating disorder.
Some would argue that due to situation and cause, a problem like poverty can be the only genuine issue.
But how about everyone who has been debilitated with lack of self of esteem and everything that comes with body image problems? Is that not important because often you can't truly distinguish a cause?
If looked at these problems without bias, you'd find that both are substantial issues that stand very separately and really are incomparable.

Last year my father was diagnosed with colorectal cancer, the second biggest cancer killer in Australia.
I'd heard of it before but brushed it off and so quickly was really relevant in our lives.
All I could really think of was the percentages of survival, if it had spread and if the surgery would be successful. It was so bizarre how something that we'd never discussed or really even thought of now stood a chance of taking my father's life. It's weird when sometimes the things you take for granted are suddenly taken away and you realise just how lucky you were to have them and would now do anything to get them back.
Sometimes I guess things don't seem quite as real unless they happen right next to you.

Before condemning a problem as not worth your time, please look at it from each angle and in every light. Just because it doesn't affect you directly at the moment doesn't mean it couldn't. 
How many people can tell what will happen to you in the future? 
All of a sudden things that you have never even glanced at are some of the most important issues in your life.
But in an odd way, some problems can give you hope for a better day tomorrow and make you grateful for the things you'd never think to be thankful about before. 

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